jai balaji maharaj
jai balaji maharaj
Sri Mehandipur Balaji Temple is situated in Dausa,Rajasthan(INDIA).Basically Shri Mehendipur Balaji Temple is Lord Hanuman Ji'sTemple.Long ago the image of Lord Balaji and that of Pret Raja (theKing of spirits) appeared from the Arawali hills. Now people sufferingfrom malignant spirits and black magic or spell get their relief whenthey make an appeal for relief to Shri Bhairav ji and Shri Pret RajSarkar who holds his court and awards punishment to the malignantspirits, ghosts, goblins, ghouls, evil eyed witches etc.Shrine of Balaji,Court of Pret Raja, Pooja griha, Bhairav ji temple and Ram Darbar aresome of the spots worth seeing here.Religious ritualistic performances, charity, feeding the poor, homelessand incapacitated people, water supply for all and fodder for cows andstray animals are the activities of this temple.Balaji temple at Mehandipur in Rajasthan is very Powerful place. It isbelieved that the deity in this temple has divine power to cure aperson possessed with evil spirit.Hundreds of 'Sankatwalas', as thepossessed people are refereed to in local lingo, throng to the templeeveryday to offer prayers and have 'darshan'. The temple has alsobecome a home and the last respite for the victims.The 'Mahant' of thetemple, Shri Kishor Puri Ji, prescribes the treatment. It can includereading holy texts, following a strict vegetarian and simple diet, andeven afflicts physical pain to one's body.One can witness people going through various physical therapies likekeeping heavy stones on their body , on arms, legs and chest , to easetheir pain. There are others who inhale the smoke that fumes out of the sweet Patasa's kept on smoldering cowpats. The ones with seriouscase of spirit possession, who tends to get violent, are even shackledin chains within the temple premises.This may appear a bit anachronistic at the first glance, but thousandsof people are believed to have been cured in this way. Festival time(Holi, Hanuman Jayanti and Dusshera etc) are regarded as the mostauspicious time to emancipate from the evil spiritMedical science may discard such approach to the ailment as self-deceptions based on blind faith, but for the believers, the power of Balaji is something supernatural, something beyond metaphysic Sri Mehandipur Balaji Temple is situated in Dausa.
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